
2 in Spalding Nursing Faculty Named Health Care Heroes Finalists

Steve Jones
Spalding nursing faculty member Erica Lemberger

Two Spalding nursing faculty members have been recognized among the 29 finalists for Louisville Business First’s 2018 Health Care Heroes awards.

Pam King, director of graduate nursing programs, was named a finalist in the category of Community Outreach. Among many services she’s performed in the community, she has been a leading volunteer at the Family Community Clinic, which provides health care to patients without insurance, including many who don’t speak English, at its facility at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Butchertown.

Meanwhile, Spalding nursing associate professor Erica Lemberger was recognized as a Health Care Heroes finalist in the category of Patient Experience.

Lemberger is a nurse practitioner with nearly 20 years in health care in a wide range of settings and areas of focus.  The past four school years, she’s provided prenatal, family planning and primary care services to pregnant and parenting teenagers who attend public high schools in Louisville.

She also serves on the board of Family and Children’s Place, which assists children and families affected by abuse, neglect and violence and she is a certified forensic nurse and sexual assault nurse examiner.

At Spalding, Lemberger teaches undergraduate community population health courses.

The winners of the Health Care Heroes Awards will be announced and finalists recognized at a banquet at the Seelbach Hilton on Feb. 22 and in a special section of Business First on Feb. 23.

Learn more about Spalding’s historic School of Nursing and about our highly trained, compassionate nursing faculty.