Healthy Together at Spalding
COVID-19 Exposure
Have you been exposed to or tested positive for COVID-19?
COVID-19 Dashboard
Weekly incidence of reported cases.
Campus Updates
Stay updated on the latest COVID-19 news and view our dashboard.
Maintaining a Healthy Campus
This is a fluid time for our country and our campus. Our success this year will require cooperation, flexibility, patience and the ability to adapt. As a compassionate university, we will work together—everyone doing their part. Let’s be healthy together for a safe return to campus in the 2021-2022 academic year.
Spalding will continue to abide by federal, state and local guidelines. Any of the university’s policies are subject to change based on the state of the pandemic.

Wellbeing & Resources
Learn about health & wellness resources available to you.

Campus Life
Learn more about our plan for on-campus housing and dining.

On-Campus Requirements

Daily Checklist
Learn more about health and wellness precautions we are taking to keep our campus community safe.
View our COVID-19 dashboard report of university confirmed coronavirus cases.
Class Delivery & Academics
Nearly all classes that were moved from in-person to remote during the pandemic will return to a face-to-face setting. See the University Catalog for details on your courses.
Offices and classrooms will return to normal configurations, in accordance with CDC and state and local guidelines.
Because most of our courses are offered in six-week sessions instead of full semesters, we have the flexibility to quickly adjust classes based on the state of the pandemic. See the 2022-2023 Academic Calendar.
If you are showing symptoms of, have been exposed to or test positive for COVID-19, stay home. See our COVID-19 Exposure page for our latest protocols and what to do. Students should also check in with their professor(s) to make alternate arrangements. All faculty and staff should notify their supervisor.

Campus Wellbeing & Resources

Do Your Part
We ask every member of our community to do their part to keep themselves and others healthy.
Health and Wellness Resources
Our health and counseling services have adapted to better serve students during the pandemic. The Counseling and Psychological Services (CaPS) has implemented teletherapy so students can receive services from the comfort of their dorm room or home and will offer in-person services in the CaPS office as well. The Eagle Care Clinic offers telehealth and office visits by appointment.
CARES Act Information
Reporting details regarding the institutional and student funds received and distributed by Spalding under the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund of the CARES Act.
Campus & Residence Life
On-Campus Housing
- Residence hall rooms may return to double-occupancy.
- Isolation facilities will continue to be utilized as needed.
See our COVID-19 Exposure page for “Where should I quarantine if I live on campus?”
All dining will include grab-and-go items. The College Street Café dining hall will operate at normal capacity. The Campus Store will have ready-to-eat and reheatable items for purchase.
Café Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday: 10:30 – 2:00 (lunch); 3:00 – 7:00 (dinner)
Friday: 10:30 – 2:00 (lunch only)
Saturday: Café is closed. Grab-and-go available at the Campus store.
Sunday: 10:30 – 2:00 (brunch or omelet station)