
Guest Blog | Top 5 ways for college students to jump-start the new year and stay fit

Shianne Davis

Fitness and nutrition have been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. Over the years, I have learned some tips and tricks to help maximize my fitness journey, and they can do the same for same for you! Here are my top five tips to jump-start a happy and healthy new year.

1. Develop good nutrition habits

A good rule of thumb is to always start your day by eating breakfast, even if you wake up at lunchtime. Eating breakfast can kick-start your metabolism, thus helping you burn more calories throughout the day.

2. Stock up on healthy staples

Set yourself up for success. Try to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet as well as protein. Although eating out is often more convenient, it is also significantly more fattening. To combat the urge to eat out, you should make a habit of buying healthier options to stock your pantry and fridge. Chances are, if you have these foods on hand already you will be more likely to eat them instead of junk food.

3. Keep your caffeine in check

While 1-2 cups of coffee per day are fine, do not depend on sugary sodas or coffee to supplement a lack of sleep. In college, it is important to prioritize sleep, amidst all the other things happening around you. If at all try to get at least six hours of sleep per night. Trust me, your body will thank you!

4. Get moving

Although hours of studying drain mental energy, our bodies also need physical exercise to function at its peak. Whether you go to the gym, walk to class or play a sport it is important to incorporate some form of daily exercise. Don’t become overwhelmed by feeling that you have to commit hours to fitness. Instead, aim for 2-3 shorter sessions throughout the day.

5. Establish a routine

Setting a routine provides a sense of structure and familiarity. Structure is a simple way of organizing your life in a way that makes sense to you. To create this, you will first need to sit down and compile a list of things that you want or need to get done in a given time frame. For me, this occurs every week, but for you it could be every month. Most importantly, listen to your body. If one day you are too fatigued to get something done, then don’t. It is perfectly natural to have an off day. Take the time you need to focus on your mental and physical well-being, then immediately jump back in. You can do it!

Shianne Davis is a sophomore at Spalding University.