Study Abroad Program
Learning by Crossing Borders
Study abroad can be one of the most transformative experiences in your college journey, maybe even your life. Spalding University promotes real world learning in our daily experiences with all of our programs, and especially with our study abroad curricula, where you will cross borders to experience different cultures and learn about different religions. What better way to examine your values than to travel to a world that you have never experienced and challenge the norm? Get to know students from across disciplines who travel together to achieve common goals of developing a sense of self and learning more about the world.
Study Abroad COVID-19 Update:
Currently, in education abroad there are some known unknowns (i.e. border openings, international flights, passport processing, etc.). Spalding is continually tracking information related to current and future program cancellations of our program provider organizations in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic. Along with alternative online global learning experiences that offer deep intercultural exchange. To learn more, please contact your academic advisor.

We partner with the Cooperative Center for Study Abroad to provide study abroad experiences in English speakding countries.
Expand your global awareness through actual experience supported by historical and cultural knowledge as part of the Kentucky Institute for International Studies (KIIS).

Irish American Scholars
This partnership offers student exchange in Ireland for a rich, integrated academic experience. Apply by Feb. 1 each year.

Spalding Study Abroad
Learn more about our study abroad options and how to apply.

Study Abroad at University of the Arts London

“This experience has impacted my final project proposal for my senior thesis class in the states. I feel that this class has improved my ability to focus and to make precise measurements. I enjoyed the intervention project of the course the most. We were called to create an intervention into the Barcelona pavilion of 1929 based on the works of artist/designers that we researched I found the experience both challenging and enjoyable. The experience was Unforgettable, Inspiring, and Astounding! If you are thinking about studying abroad, Go for it! The programs/ facilities are amazing and the teachers are willing to assist you with any issues you may have.” –Victor Edwards ’20
Exchange Student – Study USA – Ulster University – Coleraine
“I cannot begin to explain how lovely everyone has been since I arrived on campus. I was taken out for dinner on my first night in the US, I got taken to Walmart and Target the next day to get all the essentials and I even had numerous people offer to take me! I’ve bought tickets for a country music festival in September (Keith Urban round two – yehaw!) which I can confirm was brilliant and I even got to go to New Orleans for Thanksgiving! I’m having an amazing time so far and I’m thankful for all the people who pushed me to do it – and especially the girls in work who convinced me to do it and then subsequently had to listen to my meltdowns about it at tea time – for anyone wondering, the stress has all been so worth it!” – Zoe Cheshire