Dear Spalding students,
Please join Spalding student development and campus life leaders, academic area leaders and other university leaders on our new HD Meeting platform (see link and instructions below) at noon, Thursday, Aug. 13 for a Town Hall meeting regarding the return to campus for Fall 2020.
The three of us – Dean of Students Janelle Rae, Dean of Undergraduate Education Dr. Tomarra Adams and Dean of Graduate Education Dr. Kurt Jefferson – will facilitate this candid conversation to assist you in understanding the changes to campus and academic life due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related regulations and protocols that will be implemented for all students, faculty and staff as classes begin for graduate students and undergraduate students in late August. This is an important meeting, and we request your attendance.
Students will learn about:
- The Spalding Promise community pledge agreement regarding the importance of staying healthy, maintaining social distance, wearing a mask, and working to keep all Spalding community members safe during the 2020-21 academic year.
- The daily student, faculty and staff health assessment via the #CampusClear app on one’s smartphone, tablet or personal communication device.
- Classroom regulations and etiquette in face-to-face and hybrid classes and classroom hygiene.
- Student success services and advising and how those services will be delivered in the coming year.
- Campus housing updates, student activities, student health care via Eagle Care, and other important events, clubs, and group information and how the COVID-19 protocols affect the services of the Office of Student Development and Campus Life.
- Campus dining and food consumption and access as the new academic year begins.
- Academic policy updates that affect students focused on temporary and permanent academic policies that have been affected by the pandemic.
- New classroom technologies and other features of remote, hybrid and face-to-face classrooms and learning at Spalding.
The information to join the meeting is at the very bottom of this message. Office Suite HD Meeting is a product that is new to Spalding in the 2020-21 year. To join an HD meeting you can download the plugin/app. There is also the option to call in only.
We are excited to see you at the Town Hall and for start the new academic year!
Tomarra Adams, Dean of Undergraduate Education
Kurt Jefferson, Dean of Graduate Education
Janelle Rae, Dean of Students
Spalding University is Inviting You to a Scheduled OfficeSuite Meeting
Topic: Back to School Student Townhall
Time: Aug 13, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join OfficeSuite Meeting
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