

The Naslund-Mann Graduate School of Writing offers scholarships to incoming students. The following five scholarships are available to incoming students in any School of Writing program:

  • Alumni Select: Scholarships of $2,000 are awarded to incoming students who are referred by alumni.
  • Faculty Select: Scholarships of $2,000 are awarded to incoming students who are referred by faculty.
  • Appalachian Writer: Scholarships of $2,000 are awarded to incoming students from Appalachia.
  • Kentucky Teachers Scholarship: Scholarships of $1,000-$1,500 for Kentucky teachers of any subject and at any level, K through university.

In addition to the above scholarships, the following scholarships are available only to MFA students:

  • Sena Jeter Naslund – Karen Mann Endowed Scholarship: This scholarship, named in honor of the Spalding MFA program’s founders, is offered to incoming students, based on need.
  • J. Terry Price Scholarship: Each year, an incoming student in fiction is awarded a scholarship from this fund, based on need.
  • Audrey Wasson and Carol Leseure Endowed Scholarship in Poetry: Each year, an incoming student in poetry is awarded a scholarship from this fund, based on need.
  • Diana M. Raab Scholarship in Creative Nonfiction: A $250 scholarship for an incoming creative nonfiction student. This scholarship can be renewed each semester as long as the student returns the following semester and remains in good standing in the program. This scholarship is generally awarded to an incoming student every two years.
  • Eileen Spinelli Writing for Children Scholarship: Each semester, an incoming student in writing for children and young adults is awarded a scholarship of $250, based on need.
  • Primwatee Groover Scholarship in Writing for Children and Young Adults: This scholarship in memory of Primwatee Groover, Class of 2020, supports MFA students in their third or fourth semester with a concentration in writing for children and young adults.
  • Mann-Driskell Scholarship: This scholarship is for current female students who work in long-form fiction. Up to two scholarships of $500 are awarded each academic year.

As a newly accepted student, you may apply for a scholarship by emailing Kathleen Driskell, Chair of the Naslund-Mann Graduate School of Writing, using the subject line “Scholarship Request.” The email should describe the need and state the desire to be considered for a scholarship.

Deadline for scholarship application is April 1 for the spring or summer semester and October 1 for the fall semester.