
President McClure Message to Faculty/Staff – March 13, 2020

Tori Murden McClure

March 13, 2020

Here are some work policy-and-procedure and informational updates that were included in a message President Tori Murden McClure sent to faculty/staff on Friday, March 13, 2020, while Spalding continues operations during the coronavirus or COVID-19 outbreak.

Morning Team Meetings or Huddles

We encourage each team, office, or department, to schedule daily meetings or conference calls. I attended a number of team huddles on Friday, and I was impressed by the level of thought and interaction. When questions arise, please pass the query on to the Dean or member of the Operational Council who would normally be called upon address the particular issue. Our plan is to hold leadership meetings each afternoon to consider ongoing developments, and to provide answers through the daily updates.

Guests on Campus

A number of employees who are parents of school-age children have contacted me. They want to be “at their desks” during this unprecedented situation. Ordinarily, I enjoy seeing the occasional child on campus, but this is different. While I respect the loyalty of these parents, I would prefer that children stay home. The concern is not limited to children. We should minimize the presence of guests on our campus. I encourage those with responsibility for loved ones to call into your respective team meetings, to stay well-informed about developments, and to lend-a-hand as you are able.

Working from Home

Ezra Krumhansl and his Information Technology Team have put together a great link with step-by-step reminders and instructions for employees who will be working from home.

Paid Time Off

If you are able to work from home, it is not “time off” and you will not need to account for your time with PTO. If you must stay home and the nature of your job does not permit you to work from home please have your supervisor contact Jennifer Brockhoff to discuss options at or 502-873-4345.

Social Distancing

For those who will continue to work on campus, please do your best to maintain more social distancing than might be customary. Meet in larger rooms and leave chairs between people, etc.

Library as the Help-Hub

Next week, many people will be exploring ways to move coursework and other information online. People with technological expertise who are willing to assist others (and have approval of supervisors) are welcome to make the Spalding Library their home-away-from-home for the next several weeks.

UPDATED Either Room 202 or 212 (still TBD), will become the  Faculty Online Assistance Center (FOAC) March 16-27.

The proposed plans for assisting faculty with delivering instruction online via Moodle/Canvas in coming days:

  • March 16-20 (M-F): 9:00-11:00 AM and 4:00-6:00 PM: FOAC Center open (in Library and virtually via GoToMeeting).
  • March 23-27 (M-F): 9:00-11:00 AM and 4:00-6:00 PM: FOAC Center open (in Library and virtually via GoToMeeting).

Faculty instructors will be able to drop in to meet with our Librarian staff to discuss and work out issues, work on course development, and other issues related to Moodle, Canvas, online, video issues (e.g. forums, announcements, assignments, quizzes, etc.), GoToMeeting or VidGrid issues, etc.

This service does not replace school-/program-level planning on delivering courses online. This is purely a support for faculty that have issues.

Contact Graduate Dean Kurt Jefferson at or Mimi O’Malley, Senior Manager of the Library and Online Services, at for more information,

Campus Cancellations

A list of on campus meetings that have been canceled is being hosted on our COVID-19 web-page. To add cancellations to the list contact

Student Technology Form

[UPDATED: As of Summer 2020, Spalding is no longer using the technology form it introduced in March of that year and that is described in this section of this message. The link to it has been removed from this page, and students with technology needs and questions should contact]

With the move to online classes coming, students will need regular access to a computer or tablet with a recent version of Windows or iOS, as well as Internet access.

Students who do not have a computer, tablet or other device, or who lack off-campus access to the Internet should fill out a short form to inform the university of their needs, so that arrangements can be made. Students who do have a computer and regular Internet access do not need to fill out this technology form. The software and programs needed to complete coursework will be provided.

Faculty and staff should please remind students to fill out the technology form if they will be lacking devices or Internet access.

The library will remain open at its regular hours so that students lacking technology or Internet access can use on-campus computers to complete their classes.

Never Waste a Crisis

In past several days, I have witnessed a good number of great ideas and suggestions. If we work together and support one another, I believe we will come out of this experience a stronger and wiser campus community.