First-graders at St. Patrick Catholic School met a big feathered friend on Monday when Spalding University’s new Ollie the Eagle mascot visited the school.
Members of Ms. Meece and Ms. Goben’s first-grade class – Class 1ME – got the Golden Eagle’s attention this winter when they submitted a video entry to Spalding for the contest to name the new mascot. The class recommended “Eagie” the Eagle, with a student named Caroline making the suggestion. Ultimately, “Ollie” got the most votes, but the kids’ winning spirit earned them a personal visit from the bird.
Ollie passed out Spalding stickers and pennants and took pictures with all the first-graders at the school, plus the Spalding staff gathered some important marketing research, asking the kids, “What’s your favorite thing about Ollie?”
Here were our favorite answers:
“His name.” (Hey, that’s cool. The voting contest was evidently a success.)
“He’s nice.”
“He’s funny.”
“Because he’s an eagle.”
“He is big.”
“He eats bugs.”
“He’s soft.”
Thanks to Ms. Meece, Ms. Goben and all the great kids at St. Patrick for welcoming Ollie to your school!
1st grade class 1ME from @coolCatholicSch submits their name to @SpaldingU to name the Golden Eagle. Eagie is the name the children have chosen !!
— Lisa Mueninghoff Goben (@lisamarie2664) February 8, 2018