
From President McClure, Nov. 19, 2020 | Stay Safe over Thanksgiving

Tori Murden McClure, Spalding University President

Dear Spalding Community,

As we head toward the end of the academic session, I would like to continue to thank all of our students, faculty and staff for your resilience and dedication so far this year. I can’t commend our students enough for your cooperation, graciousness and flexibility in helping to keep our campus safe and healthy while staying on top of your academics.

The hard work of everyone is appreciated, and the upcoming session break and Thanksgiving holiday will be a welcomed chance to relax. I hope everyone has a truly restful holiday.

Sadly, however, as we begin the holidays, this pandemic persists, and our country has seen an alarming spike in COVID-19 cases.

Over Thanksgiving, I urge you to please take every precaution to keep yourselves and your loved ones safe and well. Carefully weigh the risks of travel, of going out to a mall or restaurant, of socializing with multiple households. Gov. Beshear on Wednesday issued new public health measures to slow the spread of the virus. Please take heed of those guidelines, and continue to follow the news to see what other actions government officials may take.

Remember also to abide by the tenets of the Spalding Promise that we all signed at the start of the year and which still applies during the break. We have all committed to:

  • Avoid large gatherings and parties.
  • Wear a mask at all times when indoors, or when in groups outdoors.
  • Practice social distancing at all times.

When classes resume on Nov. 30, we must be more diligent than ever to work together in keeping campus safe and healthy.

Students, keep in mind that every in-person class will be streamed, in case you want or need to participate online. This may be a wise option for many.

Additionally, students, employees and visitors must continue to complete the #CampusClear self-assessment before coming to campus.

The recent news about the development of vaccines is very promising. We have come this far, so let’s continue to work together to get through this, especially at this critical time.

I am thankful for all of you and for the privilege of serving this institution.

Have a great, safe and restful break, and Happy Thanksgiving. You deserve it.


All the best,

Tori Murden McClure

Spalding University President