
Commencement Countdown | Health science student Hannah Mattingly

Spalding University staff

With Commencement approaching on June 1, Spalding is publishing a series of stories and Q&A’s that highlight students from a range of degree programs who are set to graduate. Next up is Hannah Mattingly, who is earning a bachelor of science degree in health science.

What is your favorite Spalding memory?
My favorite Spalding memory would have to be attending the Running of the Rodents, aka the Spalding Rat Race, every year. I have attended the last five since starting at Spalding my freshman year in 2014. Kentucky Derby season is my favorite time of the year, and it’s super cool to me that Rat Race kind of unofficially starts the Derby festivities in the city. I enjoy getting friends together and walking in the parade beforehand and cheering on my favorite departments’ rat! Once I graduate, I will absolutely come back and attend the Rat Race every year.

Which accomplishments are you most proud of during your time at Spalding?
My biggest accomplishment will definitely be graduating from this amazing university! But I have also found a degree that I love, and I have already started on my masters in the MSBC program.  I have maintained a 3.5 GPA, and I never imagined being 23 years old and working towards getting my master’s. This has taught me that as long as I work hard, I can make anything possible.

What’s your favorite spot on campus?
My favorite spot on campus would definitely be the Mansion. Not only did I love the classes I took in that building, but overall it’s a stunning and historic building on campus, plus and a quiet place to do homework. I love all the different rooms and the big, beautiful three-story staircase. It’s a perfect place to relax during breaks in-between classes, and it has a lovely courtyard area with tables and chairs. It’s a great place to eat lunch and be outside too.

At Spalding, we like to say that, “Today is a great day to change the world.” For many students, Commencement is a world-changing experience. After graduation, how do you plan to change the world, big or small, and who inspires you to be a #spaldingworldchanger?
After graduation, I plan to finish my master’s at Spalding, with a degree focused on Healthcare Management. My dream is to eventually work in a hospital here locally, and do something in administration. I currently work at Baptist Health Louisville as a Personal Care Associate, and I would love to continue my work there. Baptist is such a great community, and they really love and care for their employees. I have loved the patient-care side of work, but I am ready to move on and oversee more of the day-to-day operations of the hospital, in addition to staffing, budgeting and managing other departments.

In addition to that, something small I will continue to do is smile, be kind to others and accept others for exactly who they are. Spalding even says this in its mission statement. Spalding does a wonderful job at welcoming everyone, no matter their race, experience, religion and culture. They promote acceptance and value all experiences of each individual.

The people who have inspired me most at Spalding would absolutely be my advisors. I was lucky to have Jimmy Rowland my first two years at Spalding, then, when I switched over to Health Science, I met Jeffrey Cross. They were always there when I needed help or needed questions answered. Whether it was a scheduled meeting or just a drop-in, they both welcomed me with open arms into their office just to chat and catch up. They definitely made my Spalding experience easier and less stressful.

Is there anything else you would like to share about your Spalding experience?
Spalding truly will hold a special place in my heart for years to come. I have met some incredible people at this university and have made memories that I will treasure for a lifetime. It’s so easy to see that the professors care for you and want to watch you succeed in all that you do. This is definitely something you won’t always find at a large university. I also want to sincerely thank my parents for all the support they have given me through my years at Spalding. There have been tears but so many more smiles. I wouldn’t be here without you.