
The Golden Eagle has landed! New Spalding mascot unveiled

Steve Jones

The Golden Eagle has landed. Now the new Spalding mascot needs a name.

Spalding unveiled its new athletics mascot – a big blue-and-gold eagle – on Friday morning, Feb. 2, in conjunction with Homecoming Week. Spalding’s athletic nickname has been the Golden Eagles since 2006, but this is the first time the school has had a physical mascot to patrol the sidelines of games and help spread awareness of the university at other events around the city.

The bird is loaded with competitive spirit and never backs down to rivals of the NCAA Division III Golden Eagles. But the eagle is also a lovable, friendly new member of the campus community who’s eager to meet and greet.

Name the Spalding mascot

Now the eagle needs a name, and Spalding is asking the public and its students to help.

Through Feb. 12, anyone can submit a name suggestion for the Spalding mascot via social media or email or in person. Male, female and gender-neutral names are all eligible. Of course, no profane or offensive names will be considered.

Here’s how to submit a name:

  • On Twitter and Instagram: Name suggestions can be made using the hashtag #SpaldingMascot, and users are encouraged to tag the Twitter accounts @SpaldingU  or @SU_GoldenEagles.
  • On Facebook: On Spalding’s Facebook page, find the post and (awesome) video from Feb. 2 about the new mascot, and leave a comment that includes your name suggestion. (You can also watch that video below or at this YouTube link.)
  • Email: Send entries to [email protected].
  • In person: Name suggestions can also be submitted at the Homecoming doubleheader basketball games against Eureka on Saturday, Feb. 3 at Columbia Gym, 824 S. Fourth St. There will be a blue box at the Campus Activities Board table for naming entries. (The women’s game is at 1 p.m. and the men at 3 p.m. Expect the eagle to make a grand debut appearance! The first 100 students who show up in with a Spalding ID will receive a foam eagle claw.) The box will also be set up at the College Street Cafe dining hall through Feb. 12.

After all the entries are received, five finalists will be chosen, and students will vote for their favorite via an online survey with a link to be sent out later. Students who vote will be eligible to win a voucher to shop at MySpaldingGear. The winning name will be announced near the end of February, and the eagle will have its name moving forward!

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