
Faculty Focus Friday | Q&A with Dr. Nicky Wright, Associate Professor of Nursing

Ashley Byrd
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Nicky Wright, Spalding Nursing Faculty

Faculty Focus Friday is a Q&A series that highlights individual faculty members in various academic programs around Spalding University. This week’s featured faculty member is Dr. Nicky Wright, Associate Professor in the School of Nursing. Dr. Wright, who earned a Doctorate in Nursing Practice from Chamberlain College of Nursing, a master’s (MSN) and bachelor’s (BSN) in nursing from Indiana Wesleyan University, and an associate’s from Galen College, teaches nursing courses at Spalding and serves as the School of Nursing’s Academic Success Coordinator.

What do you like about working and teaching at Spalding?

I just love the learning. The students want to be nurses, and they want to learn and I get to help them critically think. I love seeing them light up at that moment when it clicks and they truly get a new concept.

What is your academic specialty, areas of expertise or research?

Aside from being a nurse I specialize in orthopedics, medical surgery, and education and leadership.

Why is nursing a good option for students to consider for their major?

Nursing is a good option because nurses can help people and they have great flexibility with their career. That flexibility and range of opportunities may include traveling and seeing the world, teaching, serving in leadership, working in clinics, working from home, and working with insurance. The list is endless.

Research is also a great option, especially during COVID-19 times, as the world tries to find treatments and cures. It really is a top-notch option.

What is an example of a discussion topic, lecture, assignment, project, etc. in your class that you enjoy presenting or working with students on and that they have found engaging?

If we are working on case studies, I like to have students find resources in their community. This may look like having students look at their zip codes and see what resources are there. Then I like students to compare different parts of Louisville and how the resources vary from zip code to zip code. This gives them an idea of what resources are available to our patients and within our community.

What is an interesting thing you have in your office?

Probably a bucket of licorice. I buy candy that I don’t like and give it to my students so that I don’t eat it.

Spalding’s mission is to meet the needs of the times, to emphasize service and to promote peace and justice. What is an example of how your teaching style, your research, your class or your curriculum is supporting the mission of Spalding?

I am very vocal, and I am very passionate. So I tell people all the time that you can’t look on the outside. My younger brother was murdered around the corner from Spalding. So when I took the job down there I wondered how difficult it was going to be for me to work there every day. When he was murdered, I was getting my associate’s degree, and I had to attend clinicals the next day or else I would fail out and have to start the program over. So I put my big-girl panties on, and I went to my clinical and I went to class. I share this with my students all the time. If I can get up the day after my brother passed away, then you can do the same thing. I am so passionate about my students being successful.

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