
Commencement Countdown | Liberal Studies graduate Ashleigh Huff

Steve Jones
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Ashleigh Huff, Spalding graduate and staff member

Spalding will celebrate graduates from the classes of 2020 and 2021 during Commencement this week, June 3-5, 2021. In the leadup, Spalding is featuring graduates from a range of academic programs. Today’s featured graduate is Ashleigh Huff, a 2020 graduate with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies. She also works at Spalding as CRM Coordinator in the Information Technology Department.

How do you feel about your accomplishment of completing your degree and graduating?

Completing my college degree was always a dream of mine. It may have taken longer than four years, but I persisted and I finished. As a first-generation college student, I am so proud of this accomplishment. It was important for me to complete my degree so my niece sees that going to college is an option.

What was it like to finish your degree during the pandemic?

Even though I was proud to complete my degree, and I was excited to be finished, it felt anticlimactic to make it all the way to the end and not cross the stage to receive my diploma. I appreciate that Spalding celebrated the Class of 2020 last year virtually, and I’m grateful that I have the opportunity to attend Commencement this year.

What is something specifically about your academic program that you liked or that stands out about Spalding’s program/system that may not be the case at another school?

I loved the small class sizes and am grateful for the professors in the Liberal Studies program. I took multiple classes with each of my professors during my major coursework, and was able to get to know them and form relationships with them. They always went above and beyond to help their students.

Describe something you have done or accomplished at Spalding that you are proud of:

I am most proud of maintaining a 4.0 GPA while attending Spalding and working a full-time job. Before coming to Spalding, I didn’t always do the best academically. However, the six-week sessions and support that I received from my professors allowed me to thrive.

What does it mean to you to become a graduate of Spalding University? What do you think you will take with you from your time at Spalding that will serve you well in your career or life?

The interdisciplinary classes I took were beneficial in so many ways. The professors always strived to relate whatever subject matter we were learning about or discussing to other disciplines, and to work and life situations.

What has been your favorite thing about attending Spalding, and why? 

I wouldn’t have been able to complete my degree as quickly as I did without the six-week sessions. Focusing on one or two courses at a time, and having the option to learn in-person and online really worked for my learning style.

What is something personal about your journey to graduating from Spalding that people may not know but that you’d like to share and that you are proud of? 

While I always dreamt of graduating from college, it seemed like a goal that was out of reach. With the support of family and friends, I gained the confidence to pursue and ultimately achieve my goal.

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